Lively, entertaining reviews of, and essays on, old and newer films and everything relating to them, written by professional author William Schoell.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


THE YANKS ARE COMING (1942). Director: Alexis Thurn-Taxis.

Popular crooner and actor Bob Reynolds (William Roberts) decides to enlist and garners praise from most of the band members except one guy who openly derides him until he, too, develops some patriotic fervor. This distinctly minor wartime musical boasts a couple of pleasant numbers  -- "Don't Fool with My Heart" and "Priority on Your Love" -- but not much else. "Slapsie" Maxie Rosenbloom plays Butch, a fellow soldier, and Little Jackie Heller is energetic as the diminutive Sammy Winkle. Roberts hasn't got a bad voice, but in most of his 18 film appearances he received no credit. Movies like this one probably didn't help.

Verdict: Probably well-intentioned but forgettable. **

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