Lively, entertaining reviews of, and essays on, old and newer films and everything relating to them, written by professional author William Schoell.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


George Peppard soon won't have much to smile about
THE EXECUTIONER (1970). Director: Sam Wanamaker.  

Born in the U.S., John Shay (George Peppard of The Carpetbaggers) is a British Intelligence agent. He has become convinced that a colleague of his, Adam Booth (Keith Michell), is a double-agent secretly working for the Russians. This is all complicated by the fact that Booth is married to Sarah (Joan Collins), with whom John once had a relationship and might well still be in love with. Another agent named Philip Crawford (George Baker) is also in love with Sarah. John's superiors, including Vaughn Jones (Charles Gray) and Colonel Scott (Nigel Patrick), tell John to back off on his dogged investigation of Booth, and temporarily suspend him. But this doesn't prevent him from flying as Booth to Athens, where he encounters Professor Parker (Alexander Scourby of The Big Heat) and hopes to finally learn the truth. Unfortunately it may be too late for Booth ... 

Peppard with Judy Geeson
A "serious" spy film as opposed to a James Bond movie or spoof, The Executioner adds a human and personal level to the spy stuff and is only somewhat successful at it. Shay has to face the reality that his pursuit of Booth may have more to do with his feelings for his wife than anything else. Judy Geeson is cast as Shay's girlfriend, Polly, who also works for the government, but she comes off whiny and irritating and isn't well photographed. A welcome presence is Oscar Homolka [Mr. Sardonicus] as a tired and somewhat grumpy Russian defector. One interesting sequence has Shay taking a flight with and sitting next to a woman whose husband he has just killed, and who isn't aware that she's a widow. The sequence, however. is not as poignant nor as powerful as it could have been. 

Charles Gray with Peppard
Peppard is a competent but generally second-rate actor and isn't quite able to draw forth the values and nuances that another actor might have managed. Still, the material is generally above-average, although others have noted that a lot of the spy stuff comes off like mere gobbledygook. The Executioner at least gets points for not being mindless and trying to present a few multi-dimensional characters. Collins is good in this, and Charles Gray makes his usual solid impression. Homolka, Scourby, and a briefly-seen Peter Bull are also memorable.

Verdict: Good spy flick just misses being great. ***. 


angelman66 said...

Wow, another really good cast. Peppard really was one of the handsomest men in films.

William said...

He had a great smile, that's for certain!