Bette Davis and Joan Crawford |
WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? (1962). Director: Robert Aldrich.
I hope you can be kinder to Jane and your father then they are to you."
Former child star Baby Jane Hudson (Bette Davis, pictured) shares a mansion in Hollywood with her crippled sister, Blanche (Joan Crawford), who was a big movie star in her day. When they begin showing her old movies on television, Jane gets the idea of reviving her own act -- but first she has to keep Blanche from selling the house out from under her, leading to grim events and tragedy.
Joan Crawford and Maidie Norman |
While the subject matter with its mental illness and physical abuse is distasteful,
Baby Jane is still a mesmerizing film, adroitly directed by Aldrich, well-made, and well-acted by the entire cast. Davis is simply superb as Jane (especially good when she collapses into horrified tears in front of her mirror); Crawford is solid but has the less flamboyant role. Victor Buono and Marjorie Bennett are great as Edwin Flagg and his mother. Maidie Norman and Anna Lee are also fine as, respectively, the Hudson's maid, Elvira, and pleasant neighbor, Mrs. Bates. (Davis' witchy religious nut daughter, B.D. Hyman, is barely acceptable as Lee's teen aged daughter; she had no subsequent career as an actress.) Ernest Anderson, who had an important role in
In This Our Life, has a brief scene with Davis near the end of the film when he plays a food vendor at the beach.
Baby Jane? is beautifully photographed by Ernest Haller. Write-ups of this film always refer to the "decaying" mansion the Hudson sisters live in, but it doesn't seem to be "decaying" -- like Jane's mind -- at all.
2020 UPDATE: Aldrich could have built up more suspense in certain sequences. Crawford doesn't quite pull out all the stops in her final scene, but then we have to remember she's supposed to be at death's door. A bank teller is played by Maxine Cooper of
Kiss Me Deadly.
Remade as a TV movie with the Redgrave sisters in 1990.
Verdict: Grotesque -- but it works. ***1/2.
Though so many classic movie lovers know this one inside and out, thanks for covering it so beautifully again. The younger generation of film lovers and gay boys really don't know it, and I never want it to fall out of the lexicon! Thanks so much for pointing out the wonderful supporting performance of Maidie Norman, as well as Ernest Anderson, who is so wonderful in In This Our Life with Davis and is relegated to a nothing bit part here.
Yes, Anderson deserved better, as did Norman. I think all the publicity over "Feud" has gotten younger people talking not only about Davis and Crawford again but looking at their old movies, especially this one. As they say, everything old is new again!
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