Kane Richmond as the Shadow |
BEHIND THE MASK (1946). Director: Phil Karlson.
The day before Lamont Cranston's (Kane Richmond) marriage to Margo Lane (Barbara Read), he learns that an impostor has broken into the office of the
Daily Bulletin and murdered blackmailing reporter Jeff Mann (James Cardwell). Angered by this impersonation, Cranston leaves the pre-wedding party to investigate, incurring the extremely childish wrath of his fiancee. To make matters worse, Margo's maid Jenny (Dorothea Kent) is just as shrill and immature as Margo is, and has a vendetta against her boyfriend, the hapless Shrevvie (now played by George Chandler).
George Chandler, Barbara Read, Kane Richmond |
Behind the Mask might have been a decent mystery were it not for the fact that Monogram studios decided to combine the Shadow character with elements of screwball comedy, with the result that nothing really works. The antics of Margo and Jenny, who are constantly hitting their boyfriends, are so tiresome as to be excruciating, and pretty much crowd out any real entertainment value the picture might have had. Joseph Crehan, repeating his role as dyspeptic Inspector Cardonna, is too manic in this by far, and he also loves to keep hitting Cranston. There are a couple of aborted cat fights and more than enough scenes of Margo becoming hysterical because Cranston supposedly has other women's unseen lipstick on his face.
Marjorie Hoshelle with Bill Christy on left and Kent and Crehan on the right |
Chandler plays the role of Shrevvie more like a butler and assistant and is not as stupid as in the previous film,
The Shadow Returns. Richmond is a perfectly okay actor who desperately needs a better script and a bigger studio. James Cardwell [
The Shanghai Cobra] makes an impression as the rakish reporter Jeff and it's a shame he gets bumped off so early. Edward Gargan [
Detective Kitty O'Day] provides the film's few moments of fun as a detective who's suffering from the flu and alleged hallucinations, and Marjorie Hoshelle [
The Mask of Dimitrios] is very vivid and striking as Mae, who is mixed up in illegal betting. Robert Shayne is very young and good-looking in this but his performance is no great shakes, and poor Pierre Watkin is as blah as ever as the police commissioner and Cranston's uncle.
Verdict: This has little to do with the Shadow pulp stories. *1/2.
Your better script & bigger studio comment is bang on, young Richmond was contracted to MGM but didn't last, instead they used some of the most boring leading men of the '30's. Richmond married 1 of his 1st leading ladies, they had 2 daughters & remained married for life. He left show biz not long after this (after 2 decades & over 100 films), so not only did he agree with you, he was more successful as an entrepreneur than actor. He signed 1 autograph, "Thanks for remembering", truly modest from someone I think was a great natural onscreen.
Thank you for this information! I had always thought with better handling Richmond could have had an "A" list career. He certainly had the looks and style for it.
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