Lively, entertaining reviews of, and essays on, old and newer films and everything relating to them, written by professional author William Schoell.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


SON OF KONG (1933). Director: Ernest B. Schoedsack. 

"Next time leave the big monkey alone!" -- Charlie the cook 

Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong) and Captain Englehorn (Frank Reicher) from King Kong flee Manhattan and numerous creditors and process servers and set sail once more, coming across the man, Helstrom (John Marston), who first told Denham about Kong's island. Now Helstrom claims there's a treasure on the island just waiting to be found. Taking off with a singer named Helene (Helen Mack) as a stowaway, they sail off again to find a fortune. But what they find first is "little Kong," the big ape's much more benevolent son, who bonds with them after they rescue him from a quicksand bog on the island. There are some good effects and fluid stop-motion animation in this [although the model work is nowhere near as good as in the original] , as well as an exciting climax with an earthquake and tidal wave, but this is pretty much a pale shadow of King Kong. Passably entertaining, however. 

Verdict: Not a chip off the old block. **1/2.

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