Lively, entertaining reviews of, and essays on, old and newer films and everything relating to them, written by professional author William Schoell.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


CREEPSHOWS: The Illustrated Stephen King Movie Guide. Stephen Jones. Billboard Books; 2002.

This volume offers an excellent look into the many film, television and cable adaptations of the many works of the prolific Stephen King, from Carrie -- which put the author on the map -- to Rose Red, with a look at [at the time of publication] upcoming projects. The book proceeds chronologically from one film to the next with essays on each film relating its literary origins, how it came to be made, and how successful it was [or not]. Jones on occasion reveals works by other writers that may have heavily influenced some of King's stories. The book concludes with Jones' interesting interview with King. Jones now and then offers up a negative comment on a particularly meretricious work, but by and large this is more of an entertaining overview with behind-the-scenes details than a critical study. The section that offers mini-biographies of actors who have appeared in King adaptations is unnecessary, but on the plus side, Creepshows is loaded with lots of photographs.

Verdict: A must for the King fanatic, and fun for the rest of us as well. ***.

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