Lively, entertaining reviews of, and essays on, old and newer films and everything relating to them, written by professional author William Schoell.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Timothy Farrell, Lou Monson, and the Girl Gang
GIRL GANG (1954). Director: Robert C. Dertano.

Joe (Timothy Farrell) runs a gang whose members induce others to join so they can get hooked on weed and stronger stuff and participate in crimes to raise drug money. Sexy June (Joanne Arnold|) entices Wanda (Mary Lou O'Connor) and her boyfriend, Bill (uncredited), into the gang, where Mary is told she must have sex with five boys as part of her initiation. Joe's chief assistant is Jack (Lou Monson), and his girl pal is Daisy (Mildred Kilke). When Wanda is shot during a gas station robbery, Doc Bradford (Harry Keaton) operates on her as the cops close in ... Had Girl Gang been better directed it might have amounted to s snappy B movie as it has all the ingredients of a successful exploitation film. Unfortunately, the pic isn't well-produced (to put it mildly), some scenes have obvious over-dubbing because something went wrong with the soundtrack, the acting is often amateurish, and one dance sequence -- all in one long continuous shot -- goes on at such length while the story stops dead that it's positively comical. Farrell and Arnold are at least vivid in their portrayals, and Norman Stanley is professional as June's horny boss, Mr. Brown. There's a not bad cat-fight for those who stick around until the end. Keaton and Farrell were both in Gun Girls, which was also directed by Dertano.

Verdict: Just misses being a sleazy camp classic. *1/2.

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